Monday, December 26, 2016


Sorry, I know this is supposed to be a feel-y post about Draco not wanting to be so cruel like the other Death Eaters and what-not, but it seems as if he is trying to tell that to a peep in this picture. Ya know, like the Easter marshmallow birds?  (Credit to Dhesia on DeviantArt, her/his image, not mine!)

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Why so nosey?

  I am sirius. People can be sooo nosey sometimes. I'll be minding my own business, and they'll be like: "OH WHATCHA DOING!!!" So, uh yeah, I use silencio too much lol.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Happy Birthday Harry!

Hello! Guess what today is! Yep, August 1st! That means it is.....Harry and J.K Rowling's birthdays! So, birthday wishes to them! Don't forget to check some TV channels. After all, there are gonna be marathons galore!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

It. Is. Out.

Welllll.....guess what has my computer blowing up today? Yep. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is out for the world to read. I have been avoiding all spoilers, so I cannot wait to read it!!!! After years of hearing that the series is over, Harry Potter fans have new light in their eyes as they hear the news. Of course, many fans probably knew of this before time, and have been holding their breath. Time to let out that breath, my fellows! Love you all, and I will be spreading the news on my Youtube channel, Harry Potter Freak 101, so be sure to share this post and the channel to YOUR fellows so they hear the news too!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

OK, guys, I feel like a total dork...

Sorry to disappoint! I remember that back in March I said that there may be an eighth Potter book. Got that wrong tho. It was actually a play, presumably in London, I think this October. Soo... yeah, sorry 'bout that. But you may have already heard about that anyways :3 Well, yeah, just wanted to get that off my chest. Peace out!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Something's watching us....

 Ever feel like you're being watched, or worse, even stalked? Poor Harry and Hermione, oblivious to the fact that Voldemort is not the only thing to be afraid of...
(That's right-fanboys and girls. /*)